Friday, February 20, 2015

Best Sales Jobs

Highest Paying Sales Jobs

Selling yourself as an individual can only go so far at times, unless you own your own business, your not making any money. If you've figured out that you want start your career as a sales person, money is probably a big motivator for you. It is important to differentiate particular sales positions to match your communication style, and your work ethic.
I will go over the top 3 highest paying sales positions to help you figure out what best fits you as a person.

3) Telecommunications Sales

Telecommunications sales lands third on my list because of the knowledge of network security services you will have to acquire before attaining this particular sales position. In the beginning, working as a telecommunications sales person is strenuous work, you could be going door to door selling security systems, but eventually work your way up to a position with a base salary median of $85,000, and median salary of $150,000.

2) Consumer Packaged Goods Sales

Consumer packaged good sales is second on my list because of the tangible products that you are selling. These include beverages, TV sets, pretty much any tangible product you can buy at any retail store. These sales people work on business to business transactions, in an attempt to get their product on the shelves of retail stores. You can make a median base salary of $165,000, and a median commission of $125,000.

1) Consulting Sales

Consulting sales lands first on my list because this position isn't about necessarily what your selling, and your education, it is based on your emotional intelligence. This job is about maintaining relationships with other parties, and also includes heavy problem solving skills and creativity. You can make a median base salary of  $170,000, and your commission is based on how hard you work. You can make commissions in the millions, and that's why this is the best position in sales.
Look good, feel good

Friday, February 13, 2015

Top Three Banks To Work For In Toronto

Best banks to work for in Toronto

Lets say you've finished school, studying either business administration, marketing, communications (advertising), or accounting. You may be feeling troubled for a few reasons when finishing school; one, you may have a difficult time finding an actual position in whatever you are aiming for, two, you may not know which jobs would work best for you, and three, you may not know where the best places to work are.

A lot of the times I find the best positions are hidden in sky scrapers, in private suites that you or I will never hear about. So you may be thinking, how am I going to apply to a position when I don't even know it exists?
In this blog, I will discuss the three best banks to work for in Toronto, which will give you some insight on what you may want to do with yourself in the future.

3) Citigroup: Citibank

Citibank ranks third in the top three banks to work for in Toronto because of mostly reviews, it is described as "engaging work, with good management". Citibank offers a very good pay as well as benefits, and opportunities to create great relationships with individuals you are working with.

Visit Citibank Here


CIBC is a very excellent employer mainly because its ability to reflect remarkable stability. With CIBC comes a lot of job security, the ability to work at home, and access to prepare your own financial future leading to eventual retirement.

Visit CIBC Here 

1) TD Canada Trust

Now one of the strongest banks in North America (more stable then most American banks), TD Canada Trust lands in as number one. According to employees reviews, TD has a great work environment, it is a challenging role if your willing to take it on (the payoff is worth it), there are also great team work opportunities, and "the typical day is always something to look forward to".

Visit TD Canada Trust Here

I hope this helps you narrow down a position if and when you finish school, remember, if your looking for some of the best places to work, Citigroup, CIBC, and TD Canada Trust are defiantly worth looking at.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Selling You: Selling With Science

Selling You: Selling With Science

Tips and advice on selling yourself

You've heard the saying "look good feel good". We all have. This statement is everything when it comes to selling yourself as an individual. In Selling You: Selling With Science, I will go through the best way to turn you, into the BEST you.


If you were to take a walk down bay street in Toronto (the financial district), you would see many different individuals wearing different articles of clothing. Some people wearing suits, some people dressed in high fashion SKU'S, and others who look (as some would describe) fresh. All of these people are marketing themselves.

For example, your not going to present yourself in an interview for a position at KFC the same way you would if you were getting an interview at Investors Group. One is more professional, which entails you to BE more professional.

Marketing is so important in the world of business; in the 21st century, marketing has turned into something that isn't only practiced by businesses across the globe, but it has been unconsciously practiced by individuals everywhere. If your the type of guy that is materialistic, who would buy clothes based on what brand it is, your marketing yourself, because those items you've just bought (Ralph Lauren, Tommy Hilfiger) are status items. If your a women who is very involved in sports, Nike or Adidas may represent your lifestyle the best which gives other individuals an inside look of what your life is about.
This topic may be a bit controversial, but think about yoga pants, push up bras, or mini skirts. Women tend to advertise (or MARKET) their "assets" to other men (or women). Do you ever wonder why some women may take hours getting ready, its because women are usually the best at selling themselves (NOT IN THAT WAY). They market to other men that they are attractive women, because they enjoy the idea of other men wanting to (for terms sake) pursue them.

Now for men (so you don't think I'm sexist). In contrast, women market themselves with beauty, and attractiveness, while men on the other hand market themselves with materials (BMW, Rolex, beach house). Men with a large quantity of money, or assets (cars, real estate) tend to have access to the most women (it's true), because those particular men have marketed themselves as wealthy successful individuals.


Next time you walk into a job interview, night club, social event, job fair, just remember. If you look good, then you will feel more confident and better about yourself, you'd be surprised.

Friday, January 30, 2015

Communication Styles: Selling With Science - Cold Calls

Communication Styles: Selling With Science - Cold Calls

The Four Styles of Speech

As I was talking about in my previous blog (The Science Behind Selling: The Cold Call), when your approaching an individual during a cold call, you will need the ability to take one short look at them, and assume how they would like to be treated.
Have you ever heard the saying "do unto others how you want to be done unto"? Let me explain something, in sales the golden rule is "do unto others how they want to be done unto". If you can treat someone exactly how they want to be treated, the chances of them purchasing whatever your trying to sell is significantly higher. In Communication Styles: Selling With Science - Cold Calls, I will explain to you the four personality styles, and how you can operate your way around them.

The Director

This is the "my way or the high way" style of communication, you will often find "directors" working in large corporations in charge of many employees. These individuals want to feel in charge, they do not want to be told what to do, or what to buy. They want to be the person who decides what they want to buy, under all circumstances. When you meet with a director face to face, you cannot be shy, you MUST be confident in everything you are saying. If you aren't, a director can pick up the fact that you are being wimpy, and immediately deny you based on that.
Tips on selling to directors:
- Be as confident as they are (if you can)
- Look them in the eyes (directors will find you shady if you don't)
- When attempting to close, make them want to feel like they want it, and they are in fact deciding to purchase

The Emotive

The emotive wants to be your friend, and desires acceptance from everyone. You can find emotive's  usually being the life of the party. These individuals can be easily persuaded with friendship. When you are selling to an emotive, keep in mind that you need to be the nicest, best guy they have met (be your "best self"). You need to be genuine, exciting, and truly determined to HELP them out.
Tips on selling to emotive's
- Be their friend before a sales person
- Be extremely friendly
- Your talking to an extravert, be an extravert (if you can)

The Supportive

These people are "too nice", sometimes so nice they cannot say no, and the product you think you have sold them has simply been put back on the shelves because they were afraid to deny you. These people are the hardest sell, mainly because you can never genuinely tell what the hell they are thinking; they will be smiling the whole time (whether they have no desire in buying what you are selling, or they are very intrigued). Try your best to sell to them, and the larger they are smiling, the less likely the sales going to happen (sad truth).
Tips on selling to supportive's
- Be just as nice as they are
- Look for closing cues throughout the sale, and try to capitalize on them
- DO NOT be aggressive with supportive's

The Reflective

The reflective doesn't want your friendship, they want FACTS. When you are talking to a reflective, you don't necessarily need to be as friendly as you would a supportive or an emotive (you should still be polite anyway though). When your selling to a reflective, focus on the features of whatever your selling and how they would benefit from it. For example, if you are selling lawn cutting services, you can't be selling them you (for terms sake), your selling them the benefits they will reek from the purchase.
Tips on selling to reflective's
- Be more informative then friendly
- Talk facts, not opinions
- Don't be discouraged by these people not caring about your acceptance
Study these communication styles, and try your hardest eliminate communication style biases (which means adjusting your style to speech to match theirs as much as you possibly can). Like I said before in Selling With Science: The Cold Call, reading this is only the 1%. When you go out and actually attempt to make sales and put money in your pocket, you will see that these communication styles are very accurate, and when you've learned that, you gained the 99%.



Friday, January 23, 2015

Nash's Three Steps To Selling: The Science Behind Cold Calls

The Science Behind Cold Calls: Nash's Three Steps To Selling

For People Who Want To Sell Their Services/Products To Strangers


The Cold Call

Jobs can be very hard to find in 2015. The demand is much lower than the supply, thousands of college/ university graduates finish their post secondary educations and simply cannot find work. In the past I have found alternatives to make money when I cannot find an employer, I've (for terms sake) employed myself. It was summer 2014 and I just got back home to Kingston, Ontario from Humber College, and I couldn't find any summer work. I applied to approximately 50 different stores, and nothing ever came from it.
After about a month of looking for work, I came up with an idea. My plan was to go from door to door, offering a lawn cutting service that would last until late August (when I went back to Humber). I learned a lot about selling throughout this summer, and it actually worked out very well for me.
If you ever in your lifetime (whether your 14 or 40) decide to enter into self employment, or end up in a job which entails you to make face to face cold calls: Follow Nash's Three Steps To Selling, and I can guarantee you, you WILL put money in your pocket.

Step 1


In past experiences, when you deal with people you can usually categorize them into different groups (my next blog with tell you these personality types, make sure you read it). Based on assumptions, and instant judgments you WILL have to make about these certain individuals, you will need to adjust your communication style to match theirs. For example, you wouldn't talk to a middle aged male who owns a Harley Davidson and rocks a huge manly beard, the same as you would talk to an elderly lady. It plain just wouldn't work. Ever.
If your thinking "I don't want to make judgments or stereotypes, that's immoral, and it's not politically correct". Then I have one thing to say to you, stop reading because you will never be a sales person, straight up.

Step 2


Based on your best assumptions, and judgments made about this individual, you will need the ability to adjust your communication style to fit theirs. You will need to explain who YOU are first. When you are making a cold call (for the most part), the individual you are trying to persuade is going to want to know who you are before anything. After you have introduced yourself, introduce your product/ service.
Lastly, you will introduce the benefits the individual will receive by choosing what you are offering. For example, if your selling a lawn cutting service that lasts the whole summer, your not just selling cut grass, your selling the idea that this person won't have to stress about their lawn being cut, your selling that they're yards will look clean and that they will be more relaxed with you working for them.

Step 3


The close is the most important part of selling (hands down). Just like FOLLOWING THROUGH with an idea (which I will discuss in another blog). When your trying to close a sale (whatever you are offering), depending on the personality type, you don't want to directly ask them for a sale. Ideally the best way to get a close is by looking for cues, or asking them in a way that doesn't seem like your pushing whatever your offering on them. For example (referring back to the lawn cutting service), you may want to ask the individual "would you like me to start today?", or anything along the lines of you proceeding with what you would like to sell them without saying "so is this a done deal?".
Follow Nash's Three Steps To Selling before you start trying to sell.
Although, reading this is only the 1% of what you will learn, going out and actually doing it is the most important part, which will fill in the rest of your 99%.