Friday, February 6, 2015

Selling You: Selling With Science

Selling You: Selling With Science

Tips and advice on selling yourself

You've heard the saying "look good feel good". We all have. This statement is everything when it comes to selling yourself as an individual. In Selling You: Selling With Science, I will go through the best way to turn you, into the BEST you.


If you were to take a walk down bay street in Toronto (the financial district), you would see many different individuals wearing different articles of clothing. Some people wearing suits, some people dressed in high fashion SKU'S, and others who look (as some would describe) fresh. All of these people are marketing themselves.

For example, your not going to present yourself in an interview for a position at KFC the same way you would if you were getting an interview at Investors Group. One is more professional, which entails you to BE more professional.

Marketing is so important in the world of business; in the 21st century, marketing has turned into something that isn't only practiced by businesses across the globe, but it has been unconsciously practiced by individuals everywhere. If your the type of guy that is materialistic, who would buy clothes based on what brand it is, your marketing yourself, because those items you've just bought (Ralph Lauren, Tommy Hilfiger) are status items. If your a women who is very involved in sports, Nike or Adidas may represent your lifestyle the best which gives other individuals an inside look of what your life is about.
This topic may be a bit controversial, but think about yoga pants, push up bras, or mini skirts. Women tend to advertise (or MARKET) their "assets" to other men (or women). Do you ever wonder why some women may take hours getting ready, its because women are usually the best at selling themselves (NOT IN THAT WAY). They market to other men that they are attractive women, because they enjoy the idea of other men wanting to (for terms sake) pursue them.

Now for men (so you don't think I'm sexist). In contrast, women market themselves with beauty, and attractiveness, while men on the other hand market themselves with materials (BMW, Rolex, beach house). Men with a large quantity of money, or assets (cars, real estate) tend to have access to the most women (it's true), because those particular men have marketed themselves as wealthy successful individuals.


Next time you walk into a job interview, night club, social event, job fair, just remember. If you look good, then you will feel more confident and better about yourself, you'd be surprised.


  1. Hahaha, You are funny. I like the humour in your blog and you are absolutely right. We all like to market ourselves; however, I thought you were going to talk about how to market ourselves during an interview, as opposed to in a more social environment.

    --- AE.

  2. Nice background, but American dollars? You need to start using headers and links to other important sites , break up and make more valuable the content in your posts. Blogs like yours usually have a sidebar full of experts, books and videos and usually the author is selling his own book and doing lecture series and consulting. All this takes time but you are on the right path.
